Couple with Dental Gum Therapy
Gum therapy may be employed for those patients with issues regarding the gum tissue surrounding their teeth. Periodontal disease is one of the most common health issues. Gum therapy can be implemented to treat gum disease.
Sometimes, a more thorough dental cleaning may be necessary to adequately address the infection that may be within the gum tissue. A more thorough cleaning may take more time than a “routine”, healthy mouth cleaning. “Deep cleanings” may involve numbing of the teeth and gums so that all or the calculus (tartar) may be removed efficiently and with no discomfort to the patient. The mouth may be divided into quadrants and each are cleaned individually at one appointment. Some dentists may elect to perform the deep cleaning on the entire mouth at one appointment time.
If gum tissue is left untreated this can lead to tooth loss and need for tooth or teeth replacement. Another important part of gum therapy is home care. Patients must understand that home care needs to be completed daily. Patients have to realize that home care is up to them and is very important. Dentist alone can’t treat this all alone.
Gum disease is the leading cause of tooth loss in adults. A referral to a gum specialist may be needed for more detailed and specific periodontal therapy.
Periodontists are dentists that are specially trained to treat gum disease. Their training is focused only on gums and not necessarily on teeth. Therefore, they don’t do fillings, crowns, bridges etc. They focus primarily of the health and support of the gum tissue near the teeth.
Call today and we would be happy to schedule your appointment to assess whether you may have evidence of gum disease and provide you with preventive dental care. Don’t lose that great smile!
“With a Smile, We’re Changing Lives”