Composite Fillings or Silver Fillings?
Maybe you have a new cavity or a mouth full of previously filled cavities that are in need of repair or replacing with new esthetic tooth colored fillings. Which filling material is the healthiest and safest to use while keeping your teeth looking their best?

Esthetic Tooth Colored Fillings
A dentist that is “up-to-date” on current procedures and techniques for esthetic tooth colored fillings and will probably be using composite fillings instead of silver amalgam. Silver fillings were the predominant material utilized years ago but that is not necessarily the case today.
Cavities and Fillings
When your dentist discovers a cavity, there are choices in the type of filling material used to remedy the problem. Many dentists suggest to their patients to choose an esthetic tooth colored fillings as a tooth composite tooth filling over the age-old silver amalgam filling. The composite material provides a more natural coloring to the tooth when filling in a cavity. A silver filling may give the tooth a shaded coloring from the silver and may make the filled cavity more obvious and aesthetically unpleasing. Although the FDA has found silver tooth fillings to be safe, there remains controversy about the mercury within a silver filling.
Conversely, a composite filling uses a resin material that can be colored to match the color of the tooth being filled. It is an aesthetic alternative to the standard silver filling. When replacing a filling or taking care of a new cavity, why not choose a material that will give a brighter look to your smile?
Keeping Your Teeth Looking Their Best
To accomplish a great looking smile, regular trips to the dentist are in order. Regular cleanings and periodic check-ups are necessary to look for cracked fillings, cavities and evidence of gum disease.
To keep that smile healthy, call our office today to schedule your visit for preventative care.
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