Biteguards / Nightguards
These devices or appliances are used many times to reduce the harmful affects of clenching or grinding the teeth. Biteguards are used for the treatment of “TMJ”. These devices are also known as nightguards, splints or occlusal guards. North Dallas Texas dentist, William H. Miller, D.M.D. has the training and experience to diagnose and create biteguards for his patients.
When teeth grind together, typically at night during sleep, it can cause painful muscle soreness in or near the temporomandibular joint. Also, soreness and pain can occur from the facial muscles as well. Biteguards, mouthguards or nightguards many times help reduce this stress on your joint and muscles by creating a “cushion” between your upper and lower teeth.
Cost for a dental mouth guard, biteguard, night guard can vary. Many factors affect the cost of the appliance. Materials, time and specific problem of patient are factors in cost of care. Some biteguards may cost $250-$500. Depending on the time, materials and expertise required, some biteguards may cost as much as $975-$2,000.
Preventative Biteguards
Biteguards are used after crowns or bridges are placed in the mouth to protect against breakage. They are known as can be used to prevent negative consequences to teeth, muscles, TMJ, gum tissue and nerves of teeth.
Biteguards are made of processed “acrylic” material. Impressions are made of your upper and lower teeth. From those impressions a biteguard is made. Dr. William H. Miller has several different types of biteguards.. He will always select the best type to address the problem a patient may have.
Often, Dr. Miller will analyze and gather other information related to your “bite” that will insure a proper fitting biteguard that will last for years.
- Do you clench or grind your teeth?
- Are your jaws sore in the morning after you awake?
- Do you have unexplained headaches or teeth that seem to always stay sore?
Contact us today for more information !
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